Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Buying The Best Watermelon for Your Dollar

Nothing screams summer like a nice, fresh watermelon. It is full of vitamin C and A- good for your immune system.  It also provides potassium, and lycopene.  At only 46 calories per cup, it won't hurt your waistline either.  Are you like me and you have no idea what makes a watermelon "the best?" I found some helpful tips in this month's Better Homes and Gardens that might help. 

1. Look for a creamy yellow spot- that means that the fruit was allowed to rest on the ground and fully ripen before being harvested.  No spot? It was likely picked prematurely.
2. Look for high density.  The heavier the fruit, the juicier the slices. 
3. Look for uniform shape.  Don't worry about size or roundness, but do look for fruit that's symmetrical.  Irregular shape hints at poor growing conditions.
